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My boyfriend has no time for me

at Isnin, 29 April 2013 [ 11:16 PTG ]

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Dear Miss Love,

My boyfriend has been really busy lately, and we hardly spend time with each other anymore. There are times when I don't see him for days and we don't even live that far away from one another. I know he's busy with work but sometimes I ask myself why can't he spare a couple of hours to have dinner with me. I also think he should at least make up for being so busy, but he doesn't even seem bothered that he doesn't see me.

What should I do?

Miss Love says:

Have you tried talking to him about it? Try to make him understand how you feel, that you miss him. The two of you should find a compromise, for example, if he is busy during the week, he should at least make time for you during dinner and then make up for it on the weekend. You can't stand in the way of his work, he has to earn a living after all, but if he loves you, he will find a way to spend time with you. If he gets angry, then you will have to think twice about your relationship, because if he doesn't care about being with you, it means that you're not a priority at the moment.

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