Newbie Blogger Should keep On Reading
You must be reading everywhere about writing, how to write well, how to write engaging content, how to structure your post etc.
But did you ever think that apart from writing, reading is also important for bloggers, Especially for newbie bloggers. Yes never ignore reading because continuous reading can benefit you in many ways.
Let’s discuss why should bloggers keep on reading:-
1. Enhance Writing Skills:- The most beneficial thing you get from continuous reading is improvement in writing skills. Yes you read it right, Reading surely improves writing.
When you read other blogger’s blog then you can notice that everyone has their own style of writing, by reading them you can get flexibility in your writing. It also improves your vocabulary which is beneficial for good writing.
If you miss out the reading part then you will not come to know about different styles if writing. Initially I amazed to see how people write 1000 word articles. And whenever I sit to write then I ended up myself within 100-200 words but as I started reading blogs like writetodone, youngprepro, daily writing tips, dailyblogtips etc then I learnt how to write well and how to write longer and engaging posts.
You can see that now I always write posts not less than 700 words. I don’t mean that writing longer post is everything but yes if you will write a good post then it will surely cross 600-700 words.
In short, I want to say even if you don’t write daily but keep on reading on daily basis, you will feel improvement in yourself for sure.
2. Reduce Stress: There are times in every blogger’s life when they can feel stressed because of traffic, running out of blog post ideas and other issues. Then I just suggest either you turn off your laptop and go for a walk for friends or just sit and start reading blogs in your niche without taking any stress. You will feel relieved and also may get an idea for your next post.
Believe me when you keep on brainstorming for ideas and if you are not getting any idea then you feel like quitting but this is the time you have to control yourself.
In this situation just forget about writing and just start reading and don’t write for 2-3 days. Just keep on reading and after 2-3 days you will feel a new energy in yourself and you will feel motivated which inspire you towards blogging.
3. Ideas for new blog posts: I already wrote above that you can get ideas for your new post while reading. Yes reading always gives you new ideas about writing posts for your own blog.
For this you should be reading the best blogs in your niche. Like If you are having technology blog then you must read mashable, techcrunch, lifehacker, gizmodo etc. Reading these kind of blogs will get you hell lot of ideas which you can use to write your next post.
4. Increase Concentration level: Remember the days when you were studying in class 10th or lower classes, you would have been always struggling with concentrating on studies(as this is very childish age and you always want not to study) but as you start reading something then you used to concentrate on the topic to understand that.
It means for reading you need concentration and as you read more you concentrate more. So start reading and concentrating. Gradually You will feel that your concentration level has been increased.
5. Enhance Knowledge: There is no need to write more on this point because its simple as the headline “Enahance Knowledge”, its obvious if you read so many blog posts, news etc then your knowledge must be enhanced.
These are the few benefits of reading. These are must for newbie bloggers because a newbie should have good knowledge, should have good concentration level, should be good in writing, should get new ideas and should be stress free.
So I think by continuous reading all the newbies should develop these skills and keep blogging like a star.