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How to Monetize Your Blog Without Selling Ads or Affiliates

at Jumaat, 31 Mei 2013 [ 10:51 PTG ]

It has become very common that everyone wants to earn some extra money. Especially, young people always tend to do something that will help him to get some solid cash. But most of them may find it very hard to earn money, some become very frustrated about what to do. For them, blogging will be a very good option. It has become a new trend of income.

How to Income Through Blogs

Well, this is a very easy process if you can understand it properly. If you have your own website or blog, you can sell several products there and earn money. You can create your own products. For example, if you are a good logo designer, you can design logos for T-shirts or other clothes, then print it online and upload them on your blog. If people like your design, they will buy it from you, and you can upload many more designs. Some other common products are music, eBook, interview recordings and so on. Here given some tips on how to monetize your blog without selling ads or without any affiliates.


Tips on Monetizing Blog in a Smart Way

If you already have started your own blog then you must know that it is not very easy to make the blog popular. You have to remember many things to become successful. At first, if you are a new blogger, you have to take it seriously. If you take it as a hobby, it will always remain as a hobby and will not make any profit for you. So, take it professionally and don’t treat it like your hobby. Then you have to make a marketing plan, you have to make to certain plans on which product you should create and sell, how to sell, how to promote your products etc. Now start it like a real business. Don’t limit yourself to traditional methods only, you can apply following things:-

  • Manage a skill inventory: after creating a blog, you should add some skills into it. First, which things you can do properly, then add them in your skill inventory. When you will become two or three months older, you will gain some more skills through your experiences. Go to your skills inventory and add them, always keep your inventory updated, don’t miss out anything.
  • Identify your best qualities: While starting a blog, you should know your good qualities, you have to identify what you are best at. Identify your amazing qualities, create products according to them and then add skills. People will not like your products if you are not really good at them.
  • Review your products: You can make reviews of your products. This will help people to know about your products. You can earn extra money by writing reviews on other products as well.
  • Make premium contents: Create products that are useful to people, keep the price in an affordable range. If your product is really good, people will pay for your premium contents.
  • Select the skills which people will pay for: Don’t just add any skills in your inventory, this will give an odd look. Identify those skills which people will pay for, then select the skills you got among them. For example, if you know really well about accounting, add it to your skills, but if you don’t, never add it.

So, after doing all the things mentioned above, you can start your blogging. Remember, always use your real name and address, stay clear about your contents and add your educational backgrounds.

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