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Tips To Get Success Through Guest Blogging

at Jumaat, 31 Mei 2013 [ 10:54 PTG ]

You might be reading everywhere that the guest blogging is one of the great ways to attract traffic for your blog or site. Even I think the same because it is one of a proven ways to get huge visits on your blog as well as building quality links for your blog. I have also started guest blogging but due to time constraint I cannot do much but trying to do more to build quality links as well as get traffic for my blog. I have learned few things which can be helpful to perform better in guest blogging and  So I am here to share those tips with you that will give you success through Guest blogging.
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As everyone knows that time is the most precious thing of the world so we need to do everything after making a strategy, means we need to do planning before starting anything new. Same in case of guest blogging. If you are thinking to start guest blogging then you might want to get positive results from it, isn’t it?
I think you all would say “Yes, we want the positive results”. I hope your expectations are valid because if you are writing for other’s blog instead of writing for your own blog then you must expect the positive results from it.

So here are the tips which will get success for you through guest blogging:-

Make List of Nice Blogs

I suggest you to make a list of nice blogs for which you want to do guest post before you start the guest blogging . It will be a good strategy to have the list of blogs for which you want to write. Always try to write for the blogs with same niche and make sure they have better positions in SERPS than your site.

Write An Amazing Author Bio

The first thing you need to think is all about your Bio that will be published with your guest post. If the reader reads you post then he/she must read the author’s bio and if you bio is not so attractive then I don’t think he/she will going to click on your website link. So my suggestion is to write a very nice and attractive author’ bio for yourself which should contain your areas of knowledge, your expertise, a line that describe about your blog/website and ofcourse a link of your blog/website there. Be sure that your bio provide a meaningful information.

Write a Killer Post

The second and most important thing you have to do is to write a quality post because it reflects your knowledge about the topic and your writing skills. These things attracts readers mind to read your blog too. Also If you deal with freelance writing job then here your writing skill can give you clients too.

One more thing if you are writing for big blogs then you your writing skill must be killer because they approve only those posts which have the best quality. So you need to show your quality in the post.

Attach Images In The Posts

When you submit a guest post to a blog then you might attach the images in the post. So many guest bloggers are here who doesn’t attach images in the post and I think this puts a negative impact on the blog admin at the time of approving that post. So attach images in the post for sure. If you have to email the guest post to the admin then send the images in the attachments.

One more thing, The image is the important part of any post so be sure the image must reflect the content. It should not be misleading.

Write The Posts In Points

Try to write the post in points because it looks professional. Whether you can use numbers or bulleted list or heading to separate the points(as I did in this post). Readers love to read such kind of post because even they don’t have much time to read the whole post then they can read the points only to understand the story. Paragraphed post looks a bit lengthy to readers. They don’t want to read them most of the time.

Reply To Comments

After a guest post on a blog your work has not end here. You need to reply to the comments on that posts because it gives you more recognition among the readers of that particular post. Also the admin of the blog will give you preference when you write a next post for his/her blog.

So these are the tips to get success through Guest blogging. Its my thinking But there are lots more tips on this subject too so I will be very happy if you guys share your own views and suggestions via the comment form.

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