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Bobo Stephanie - Nuffnang Featured Blogger for the month of July 2013

at Selasa, 2 Julai 2013 [ 5:11 PTG ]

I recently received an email from Nuffnang and to my surpise, the title was “Featured Blogger of The Month – July2013.” The moment I received it I texted Jo and he replied, “finally, what took them so long?” Hahaha I was super happy when I received this news cause I have never thought that my blog will ever be featured by anyone, not to mention Nuffnang. Thank you Nuffnang, for giving me this opportunity to show off a little.

I honestly have no idea how to start this because whenever someone asks me to introduce myself, I always ended up with, “Hi, I’m Bobo”, then, continued with an awkward laugh hahaha. I honestly have got nothing much to say about myself. I’m just someone who loves the color PINK, McD, I’m awfully bad at math, and I’m married. Like I said, I’m very bad at it. This is so awkward… Instead of just sharing pictures of myself and telling you how awesome I am, I thought why not just share some of my favorite blogposts from the last few months? First, our hunnymoon posts!! Ok, I cheated a bit because Jo wrote half of them and the feedback was good!




Obviously my wedding posts! Can’t thank all my bridesmaids and the groomsmen enough for being a part of my wedding! Then I thought why not share some behind the scenes of! These are some stuff I use or rely on to create my posts here and I’d like to show you guys!


My dressing table. This is where I make myself pretty “wink wink” hahaha. Sorry, our room is kinda in a mess right now cause I’ve just came back from Singapore and I haven’t had time to pack!!!


My workstation! I traded my Macbook Pro for Jo’s iMac cause he uses it for work and I needed a bigger screen to edit my pictures. If you’re wondering why my table filled with pictures of half naked girls, its cause Jo decorated most of the room………………..swt. Nevermind la, at least I get some motivation to work out hahaha.


This is what we use for most of the pictures you see on! (I’m going to ask Jo to describe OK) I use a Nikon D300 and most of the time I shoot with a Tamron 17-55mm f2.8 lens but I also have a Nikon 35mm f1.8. For most of the LOTD pictures taken at home, or for product photography, I use a flash with a mini softbox or ringflash.


My iPhone 4s and Note 2. I use these to take most of the photos you see on my Instagram account (@bobostephanie) and sometimes I also blog on my Note 2 when I’m overseas!

Camera 360

Nah, don’t say I don’t post pictures of Jo OK! He is also a big part of because he’s my photographer, editor, stylist, personal shopper, and also my motivator when I get really, really, lazy to blog or meet deadlines hehehe!

Camera 360

Also, not to forget, my stylist Yoshi san from 76style Bangsar, who seriously has magic hands, look what he did to my hair using only a curler and hairdryer! He’s responsible for all my hairstyles so don’t hesitate to give him a call if you’re looking to cut/color your hair the next time!

Last but not least, I also want to show everyone my biggest passion or you can say the highlights of, which are my LOTDs (Look Of The Day). If you’re new to my blog let me explain a little bit about another side of me. Just like any other girl, I love to dress up. I always tell myself “dress to impress”, and dressing up plays a big role in my life because it gives me confidence! Whenever I’m free I will just hop over to and check out what’s trending now and also to get more inspiration. I believe everyone has his or her very own unique side when it comes to fashion, as for mine I would say I’m a mixture of sexy and chic! What do you think?


Once again, a BIG Thank You to Nuffnang for giving me this awesome chance to show everyone the “behind the scenes” of, and my lovely readers and friends for all your support! And if you haven’t, your turn to show some support yeah, hahahaha follow me on my Twitter, Instagram and Imotiv See you!

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